Australian 2030 Cyber Security Strategy: What it means for businesses

Implementing the six cyber shields to keep businesses and individuals safe.

australian cyber security strategy

The Australian Government has released the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy. Read it here.

The strategy serves as a roadmap to realising the Government’s vision of Australia being a world leader in cyber security, by the year 2030. Given Australia is the 5th most hacked country globally, prioritising cyber security strength and resilience is needed to ensure our citizens and businesses can prosper in the future.

To achieve this vision, the Government is helping implement six cyber shields: layers of defence with key initiatives to improve our cyber security, manage cyber risks and better support individuals. The six shields are:

  1. Strong businesses and citizens

  2. Safe technology

  3. World-class threat sharing and blocking

  4. Protected critical infrastructure

  5. Sovereign capabilities

  6. Resilient region and global leadership

Accompanying the strategy is an Action Plan that outlines key initiatives to be delivered in Horizon 1 (2023-2025). It sets out the accountabilities for each initiative, and will help evaluate the progress towards the 2030 vision.

Read the Action Plan

A change in culture

The way in which businesses approach and implement cyber security is changing. Previously seen as a technical topic, we’re now shifting cyber security to a whole-of-nation endeavour.

IT and security teams play an increasingly vital role, however, it takes harnessing the whole country to tackle cyber problems — employees and business owners, civilians and industry, public and private sector. We all share the responsibility of keeping our privacy and data safe.

What it means for businesses

Directors and board members have been warned in recent years by the Government, the AICD, among others, to increase their cyber awareness and resilience.

The ability to plead ignorance to cyber threats is no longer an option, as tough minimum standards go into force along with higher penalties from regulators like ASIC.

Businesses should prioritise maturing their cyber defences in align with the Essential Eight Mitigation Strategies (ACSC). When all eight strategies are adopted, there is a significant reduction in the likelihood of a cyber intrusion.

shadowsafe keeping business safe

ShadowSafe’s role in keeping businesses safe

Here at ShadowSafe we’re committed to keeping your business safe through the implementation of world-class cyber security strategies and training.

Our core services (EmailSafe, DataSafe, WorkSafe & PeopleSafe) have proven to protect businesses from cyber threats and allowed them to grow with confidence.

More than ever, businesses need to partner with IT firms who understand cyber security and keep up with new threats or emerging technologies. If your current IT provider does not meet this criteria, talk to our team on 07 3185 1777.

Further Reading:

Read the 2023-2030 Cyber Strategy

ASD Cyber Threat Report 2022-2023


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